Maybe. In fact, it doesn’t bother me that much either. But then again it does, simply because I wonder why not even trying to solve it completely? Why are issues regarding e.g. notification LEDs adressed and this seems to be ignored? For me the SMS issue is way more ‘important’ than a notification bug.
I know, not everything can be solved right away, even or especially when major functions are involved. And of course there are always easier tasks which simply get fixed rather quickly. What I miss is coherency (“this sms issue is a residue of our somewhat less optimal VoLTE introduction, let’s keep an eye on that and have it fixed in the next 2 updates…”) or at least some transparency ("issue is ranked … Because …), I don’t know…
Well, I can ‘handle’ them as well. But my question is, why do we need to do it in the first place using the known workarounds? And why is an update rising the frequency of using such workarounds?
To be honest, I’d be absolutely fine if this would happen to 5G introduction only. It’s a new feature, it has some flaws, but in general it works. So things will be smoothed and sorted out in further releases. But no… It’s already (almost) working features which are getting compromised again. And I know: This can happen in software development. Absolutely fine with that. But you must not release it to the public, then…