Is update 4.6 a beautiful disaster?

Maybe. In fact, it doesn’t bother me that much either. But then again it does, simply because I wonder why not even trying to solve it completely? Why are issues regarding e.g. notification LEDs adressed and this seems to be ignored? For me the SMS issue is way more ‘important’ than a notification bug.
I know, not everything can be solved right away, even or especially when major functions are involved. And of course there are always easier tasks which simply get fixed rather quickly. What I miss is coherency (“this sms issue is a residue of our somewhat less optimal VoLTE introduction, let’s keep an eye on that and have it fixed in the next 2 updates…”) or at least some transparency ("issue is ranked … Because …), I don’t know…

Well, I can ‘handle’ them as well. But my question is, why do we need to do it in the first place using the known workarounds? And why is an update rising the frequency of using such workarounds?
To be honest, I’d be absolutely fine if this would happen to 5G introduction only. It’s a new feature, it has some flaws, but in general it works. So things will be smoothed and sorted out in further releases. But no… It’s already (almost) working features which are getting compromised again. And I know: This can happen in software development. Absolutely fine with that. But you must not release it to the public, then…


Who says they are not trying?
You go ahead and try to solve an issue of that complexity that does not reproduce for you or anyone you know and see how quick that is.

How about you collect some logs instead of moaning?

Just for reference; i don’t need to baby Android app connectivity one bit. It just works.

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Is there a dedicated thread / discussion on the subject of failing SMSes? I use Xperia XA2, which to my understanding has no support for VoLTE, yet plain SMSes no longer work after upgrade, while I was able to restore MMS support.

Why should I care for a specific thread?
Works for me and as it seens many others.

My way to handle it was the same with each and every other mobile device.

I think the upgrade was long waited, and focussed on the underneath features (especially security ones).

Now would I have wanted more user-level fixes? Yes. Would I have wanted functional android emulation? Yes. Xperia 10 iV with sfos 4.6? Yes.
But if we would have gotten all of that; what else would there be to look forward to :slight_smile:

But they’re probably on vacation now, so I wouldn’t count on it before autumn :wink:

im frustrated that the mobile telephony stack is somehow worse for me (ofono loop, android mobile data),

and that camera2 api has stalled again (since february, afaik)


i can see here and there some things do not work for one user and work for another in SFOS

how is that possible with the same hardware and same software ?

think of the automatic underground transportation in some towns
what would the passengers think if sometimes the car doors did open in front of the matching quay doors and sometimes did not

i guess the passengers would not like that

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Different versions of underlying firmware and blobs, different network operators with different requirements… Number of combinations is quite big.


is that unmasterable then?
what do your customers do if you tell them “i cannot manage these basics requirements you ask me”?
they run to another provider, no?

Don’t there be any technical standards any more in this technology in this modern times? Do most providers/carriers push or install their own proprietary software to the phone, so only ‘big players’ are able to follow this?


Finland is on vacation but that doesn’t mean that we all would be on vacation. We have merely paused newsletter and soon to pause community meetings for month of July.


Unfortunally disaster update for me on my Xperia 10 III. Apparently this one hit my way of using the phone really hard :smiley:

  • Lost all my avatars pictures in the phonebook
  • For me fingerprint sensor bug comes now a lot more frequently with this latest fix.
  • Android apps with backgroud service enabled cant be shut down with normal swipe down because it also kills the backgroud service.
  • Some Android apps needs to be opened with Aurora to get running.
  • Every call that i answer 4G signal goes down to 2.5G (this could have happened before just noticed this now)
  • And something that never have happened to me before:
    Every now and that when somebody calls „parking call“ jumps visible and you cant answer call. Phone reboot needs to be made, if you click on any „parking choice” phone get totally stuck.
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I’m sorry for that experience.

Workaround for this very long standing bug is simple. Reimporting of all.cvs from backup. At least for me it worked perfectly every time.

Good luck with all your points!


that means VoLTE is not working for you. ensure that it says ‘4G Calling: Registered’. if it does, and it is still dropping to 2G, you have a problem. if it does not, then your first step is to fix that.


Tempted, I updated xa2 week ago to 4.6…13
Did it from GUI although popup warned that all packages that whenever was build for linux should be reinstalled or removed.
Phone works like before. The only one issue occured - mail sound notification on new mail does not work. Neither reboot nor configuration mail accout (MS365) from zero nor set other ring tone helps. Is it possible related with perrmisions for android apps?

XA2, MS365, embedded mail client

I have new flashed on my recently fixed testphone (Xperia 10 single SIM) and until now (not) everything works flawless.
Thank you @Jolla !

edit: bug report - if headset is plugged in and playing a video on internet page, sound comes out of speaker.

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(i still have to restart aliendalvik + ofono two or three times a day, every day. confirmed this is not an issue on 4.5)