Internet Sharing Not Sharing Internet

REPRODUCIBILITY (% or how often): > %95
BUILD ID = OS VERSION (Settings > About product): 4.3 (and lower)
HARDWARE (XA2, X10, X10 II, …): XA2 and other phones
REGRESSION: (compared to previous public release: Yes, No, ?): No


When enabling Internet sharing
The wifi connection connects, but doesn’t share the internet connection


Seen the issue on several Linux laptops and Chromebooks


  1. Get a laptop
  2. Share the internet of the phone
  3. Observe you can’t browse


The internet should work


The laptop get’s an IP address in the 72.28.172.XXX range from the phone
No network connecion


A workaround seems to be possible by running:
ssh defaultuser@ -D 1024
on the laptop, then setting the OS to proxy though socks5 e.g:

This is a bug that has been seen on the Jolla phone, Xerperia X and the XA2 and with multiple laptops.

Having to use socks5 prevents other things from working on my laptop.
This bug doesn’t happen if I tether off an Android phone


I alao get it with my other phones. However, I’ve found that a few disconnect/reconnect, restarts, etc., usually makes it work eventually, but definitely annoying…

Thanks for the proxy tip… I just set http and https proxy in SF terminal with export, and it connected right up.

Wifi tethering always worked for me ( and I’m using SailfishOS since the Jolla phone) - until today. Couldn’t get it up even by restarting multiple times. I eventually decided to stop at a filling station and use their hotspot since it was somewhat urged (and I needed to connect a Windows notebook).
This is a nogo and probably related to newer software releases. This should be a bug of higher priority.

Just tested it with my XA2,
I am actually writing this on my computer connected via tethering.
Seems to work.

Yes bit that’s probably just luck…
Or it is a 64bit issue. Newer had problems on my XA2 but on the X10.

This is defiantly a real issue, do you think I should raise this as a bug for them?


I think this is a real Bug as it also appears on Xperia 10 III and the latest OS (

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Yes, I can reproduce it too on Xperia 10 II and SFOS.

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Still broken on X10ii/recent release.

I am also experiencing this issue.

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Also Jolla C sfos Both Kindle and Android tab unable to connect.

Don’t know if this is new - have not used hotspot for years.

EDIT: This seems to have been a password problem. I changed the hotspot password, set years ago, and it works.

I had the same problem on a X10 / abt. 2 weeks ago, out of the blue, reason unknown. But simply a few reboots (1 or 2) did help. It works fine again since that time.


Same problem here with Xperia 10 II on SailfishOS I just got the device.

I was told of a workaround by the owner of an old Jolla phone who knew a similar issue and it works, so I’m posting here:

Force mobile network to use IPV4. For that, go to settings → mobile → data access point and select Protocol to change its value to “IP” (instead of “mixed” or “IPV6”).
My OS is not in English so I am not 100% sure of the labels you will find, but you will get the idea.

From what I understood, the problem is that SailfishOS does not translate IPV6 to IPV4 when tethering.

Have fun,



I can confirm that this fixed the issue for me - many thanks!

If I try setting the Protocol to IP, then my phone looses it’s internet connection
My network operator is EE UK
this does not work for me :frowning: