Hutspot for aarch64?

Thanks @poetaster, I should probably just add an application icon and maybe disable sailjail for now. Let’s see if @wdehoog is still around to accept small PRs, otherwise hutspot seems to be working fine even today;)

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Thanks @NIS, you could test the OBS-built librespot from Index of /obs/home:/b100dian:/rust-packages/sailfish_latest_aarch64/aarch64) back up your /etc/default/librespot and /etc/systemd/user/librespot.service if the rpm install doesn’t already. See if you notice any problems - one thing that should be different is volume control for volume buttons (which is an env set in /etc/systemd…)

I’m thinking that some more cleanup is needed before publishing to chum, like moving the systemd definition to /usr/lib/systemd and adding another configuration file that will have the defaults overridden by /etc/defaults one…

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Wow, volume control with the vuttons? I always wanted this feature!
But your link gives me a „Not found“ error unfortunately :frowning:

This one is better Index of /obs/home:/b100dian:/rust-packages/sailfish_latest_aarch64/aarch64

Thanks @pherjung - I added a semicolon accidentally at the end, fixed

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WOW. I just had time to shortly test this (installed it and played a fee seconds of a song) and IT WORKS!
Even the volume buttons which is a big plus for me. Thank you very much

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Heh, this is a moment to acknowledge @rubdos’ and @direc85’s work on bringing more up to date rust in SailfishOS :wink: with the help of the Jolla people of course. I’ll do my best to make this available in chum next.


I have now tested this more extensively and I must say it works really well and reliable!

I have one question though: where does Librespot get your Spotify-credentials from? Because for me, I already used librespot before with the same cache folder, so everything worked. But what would I need to do if I would deploy such a Hutspot+Librespot solution on a new device?

Good question. The key is the credentials.json file in librespot’s cache which is now set as /home/defaultuser/.cache/librespot.
Hutspot, if it has sailjail disabled, can use the “Register librespot credentials” option to (indirectly) write to it by issuing a librespot command you could also do yourself from commandline (source).
It seems that hutspot can also read that credentials.json file (source) but I am not sure this is working, or the webview credentials are used.

Ah okay. So on a new device, I basically would need to either disable SailJail sandboxing or issue a librespot command by hand, right?

Yes but there may be other hutspot actions not working with sailjail, TBD