How to: Unlock the encryption of your /home if you don't know your lock code (Bruteforce)

avhakola said that a lock code was never set up on the concerning device.
The found lock code 00000 really looks like a default lock code (which is, in principle, known to all people trying to decrypt the partition)…


Well, you could try to set the code and see how long would it take to crack it. Sounds like not too long. In the reported case, 38 seconds. Maybe, it was the first code it tried - no idea regarding it. In this respect, would be great to test with non-trivial code.


It would be indeed interesting to see the time comparison between cracking 5 digit and 42 digit lock code if done with powerful PC and having hashcat properly trying only numeric 5-42 length passwords.


Unfortunately, nobody was teaching encryption in my Comp Sci degree.

So LUKS 1 is supposed to be 128 bit or 2^128 = ~10^38 (LUKS 2 = 2^256).

A five digit pin is a search space of 10^6 and an 8 digit is 10^9. So LUKS needs a 38 digit pin to properly be 128 bit?

And is ‘Data’ ordinarily readable on a sector by sector basis without the PIN?

Here is a short description on how LUKS works:

So yes, data is readable sector by sector without the PIN, but the data is “random garbage” without the master key. Normally it would be extremely difficult to brute-force guess the master key, but you can obtain the master key with the PIN (or any of the 8 passphrases if they are set). So the PIN is not directly used for encryption, but if you know that the PIN only contains digits and is maximum N long, then you can obtain the master key from 10^N guesses in the worst case, and by (10^N)/2 guesses on average.


So out of interest, I tried this on my own lockcode (which is more random and 6 digits long) using the following commands:

dd if=/dev/disk/by-id/dm-name-sailfish-home of=/home/defaultuser/hashcat.luks bs=512 count=4097

Then hashcat on my desktop:

hashcat -a 3 -m 14600 hashcat-xperia10.luks '?d?d?d?d?d?d'

(I.e. bruteforce luksheader with an input mask of 6 digits)

On my Linux desktop with a partially broken rocm install (so probably low performance), this took 6 minutes and 23 seconds:


Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Cracked
Hash.Name........: LUKS
Hash.Target......: hashcat-xperia10.luks
Time.Started.....: Wed Sep 15 16:51:33 2021 (6 mins, 23 secs) 
Time.Estimated...: Wed Sep 15 16:57:56 2021 (0 secs)
Guess.Mask.......: ?d?d?d?d?d?d [6]
Guess.Queue......: 1/1 (100.00%) 
Speed.#1.........:     1044 H/s (1.96ms) @ Accel:128 Loops:32 Thr:64 Vec:1
Recovered........: 1/1 (100.00%) Digests
Progress.........: 400000/1000000 (40.00%) 
Rejected.........: 0/400000 (0.00%)
Restore.Point....: 0/100000 (0.00%) 
Restore.Sub.#1...: Salt:0 Amplifier:3-4 Iteration:1399936-1399966
Candidates.#1....: xxxxxx -> xxxxxx
Hardware.Mon.#1..: Temp: 76c Fan:  0% Core:1630MHz Mem: 945MHz Bus:16

Started: Wed Sep 15 16:50:58 2021
Stopped: Wed Sep 15 16:57:57 2021

So yeah, it doesn’t take long.


Cool, now do it on a Sfos device :wink:

Nah, thank you. That would probably take 2 days or so and is not how an attacker would do it.

Jolla! We want alphanumeric lock codes! :face_with_monocle:


actually no, what we want is this:

The implementation is ready to be merged thanks to @rinigus


From my limited understanding, it only works if the attacker knows the ssh password. So as an attack scenario it is very limited. It only works if the attacker can keep the device for long enough (years) for vulnerabilities to be discovered in openssh. Or can someone correct me?

If I recall correctly, when you use Recovery Mode, you can use the Shell option without any credentials and the sshd option uses username and password from the recovery image (and these are known) instead of the phone’s Developer Mode password.


No; ssh password has nothing to do with lock code. And the SSH password has no use if the phone is off.
The above clearly demonstrates that it takes mere minutes to brute-force a numerical lock code.


Pretty sure you have to give the lock code there too. Please try before claiming otherwise.
The security may be bad, but it is not a sham.

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The recovery should most definitely ask for the lock code if one was set beforehand, but I have no memory of such prompt, probably because I didn’t have lock code set at the time.

That would only be a minor inconvenience to an attacker and does not offer any real security, since you can simply boot a different recovery image, that does not ask for any code…

How do the supposed important Jolla customers (government, corporate) are expected to deal with this possible attack? Do they have access to expensive tools from Sony or Jolla to lock the bootloader?

The only sensible defense is to use a good lockcode (10 characters+ with an alphabet of at least 36)

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So i can be glad my daily used Sony XZ2 Compact with SFOS-Community-Port uses this:

Compared to the official encryption solution, this edition has way larger flexibility in LUKS passwords which has a major implication in the security. As it is, official encryption solution is vulnerable to brute force attack. Such attack can be rendered unfeasible using this community edition.

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No; the encryption is still for real, even if the key is weak. The disk contents will be unreadable until mounted with correct crypto options and key.

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@attah I believe the “minor inconvenience” does not refer to the encryption but to the locking code as protection of the Recovery mode. The attack needs recovery mode (to exfiltrate a copy of the first megabytes of /home), which asks for the locking code; but the locking code can be bypassed by booting another image.