How to access files from call recordings?

I’d like to access the call recording files. This has been made impossible in the last os update. I can still listen to the files on my phone (jolla 1), but I want to be able to sent the files to my computer as well.

There is an option to sent the files via email, but this doesn’t work because the mail app has no access to the files either and just sends an email with an empty attachment.

It would be greatly appreciated if anyone can can help me with this.


Fire(Sail)jail stroke again?

Just check /home/$USER/CallRecordings directory.


Thanks for helping me.

I don’t know what that means. Sorry for being such a noob.

This is where I used to find them. But since the the last update “call recordings can no longer be accessed by normal apps” and I no longer see that folder. The folder either moved or its rights have been changed.

Source: [release notes] Pallas-Yllästunturi 3.4.0

edit: I also tried “files as root” from open repos, didn’t help.


if it helps…


Thanks @amaretzek, But I don’t think that’s the same problem. My phone records fine. My problem is that I don’t know how to access the files. Also the topic you linked is about sailfish and I’m on 3.4.0 as my phone no longer receives updates.

Ah, yes. Of course. You said Jolla1!

Then @amaratzek 's hint is not for you (but me on my test device :frowning: ).

You need to enable developer mode and get root (I do hope you what great responsibility comes with great power? :wink: )

Then take a look at

You may use file-browser-beta as root from openrepos as well.


Thanks! while you were typing I found the same path in the comments of the topic @amaretzek linked. A while ago I installed the ‘file browser as root’ app and can access the files that way. So Yaay, no developer mode needed.

Now I can use root to copy the files to a folder that nemo can access and push them to my desktop with KDE Connect. Not the most elegant solution, but as long as no-one posts a better one I can live with that.

A big thanks to both of you for thinking along with me.

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I recently realized ( I can’t find where call recordings can be accessed. I used to copy them off the phone. Now no clue whether call recording still works and if it works, where files go. Any idea?

Where exactly can those recordings be found now ( and how to listen them?

They are not in /home/$USER/CallRecordings directory.

I cant believe there is nothing related to them in UI.

ANSWER: go to settings: swipe right to go ‘apps’ tab → phone

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Thanks for info @wetab73 This is really hidden very deep in the system. The ‘Privileged’ directory can only be entered as devel-su in CLI. The Phone/CallRecordings directory occurs after the first recording was made (and not before) and the recorded files are wav files with a huge file size.

How is the way Jolla intends for playback of recorded phone calls?

edit: The directory /home/defaultuser/.local/share/system/privileged has owner+group privileged and no r + x access for others. Now trying to change this… Result: access with FileBrowser is now possible.

edit: The ‘Phone’ dir has rights ‘drwx------’, and owner defaultuser, so no problems to enter and read it

Solution: In CLI, as devel-su, enter the directory

Then type
ls -als and check if directory privileged is there.
(privileged has owner + group ‘privileged’)

Then type
chmod o+rx privileged

After this it is possible to enter
with File Browser. There are the recorded calls as .wav files. Filename consists of name, number, date and time.

It’s also now possible to make a symlink in the home directory to this “well hidden” directory, that leads one directly to the directory containing the recorded calls. They can be played back in File Browser.

edit: unfortunately the phone forgets this rights change after a reboot. Any ideas why and what to do to make the rights change permanent?

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On Xperia 10 III SFOS, I can send the file by email from Settings → Apps → Phone → Recorded Calls

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Yes, now I found it.
Settings - Apps - Phone - Recorded Calls
opens a list of recorded calls.

Long tap on an entry opens a menu with the options call, open contact details, delete and share.

Short tap plays back with a small and comfortable bottom bar with play, pause, next and previous button and a timeline.

So this is also the answer to my question ‘how does Jolla intend…’ from above.

My modification in post #11 has unwanted side effects like disappearing entries in Settings/Accounts, so better don’t do this without knowledge like me.