Here's an idea....and maybe I'm not the first one to think of it

Microsoft ruined the world with their software enough already so let’s not let them ruin Sailfish too! OK ?!

The same reason that for example FED/SED monitors never really took off : Too much fighting between the companies involved instead of working together and beating the competition! :frowning:

See these links :

But I think most people here knew that already :slight_smile:

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The Palm Foleo was another Linux device which eventually got destroyed by Microsoft.

It is also tempting for me to respond to someone who seems to have so much knowledge. Moroccan wisdom: when you point a finger at a mountain, three fingers point back. Man @romeoecho I ignore. What a peace of mind that gives.

you know what, jolla4ever, that’s very wise advise. Thanks. I only hope you get a chance to read this before it gets flagged for no reason and removed!

Are you a moderator jolla4ever?

This will never happen.

The whole purpose of the MS&Elop operation was to destroy a possible serious competitor from the EU (i.e. Nokia&MeeGo) which could have been be a serious competence to iOS and Android, so that the US keeps the full control of mobile systems.

SFOS is a small bug for the US to consider crushing. Even though there are many ways, especially considering the (former?) Russian links.

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