[Help] Jolla Phone

Already tried with an older version of fingerterm (fingerterm-1.1.23-1.armv7hl.rpm), but still got the same results:

bash-3.2# rpm -Uv fingerterm-1.1.7-1.6.11.armv7hl.rpm
warning: fingerterm-1.1.7-1.6.11.armv7hl.rpm: Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 3647af9c: NOKEY
error: Failed dependencies:
        qt-components-qt5 is needed by fingerterm-1.1.7-1.6.11.armv7hl
        qt5-qtdeclarative-import-xmllistmodel is needed by fingerterm-1.1.7-1.6.11.armv7hl

Should I proceed with --replacefiles or --force?
The file you told me to back up is available in 2 directories:

Edit: made a backup of the file on the SD Card.

I added qt-components-qt5 and qt5-qtdeclarative-import-xmllistmodel



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rpm -Uv fingerterm-1.1.7-1.6.11.armv7hl.rpm qt-components-qt5-2.0.9-1.5.4.armv7hl.rpm qt5-qtdeclarative-import-xmllistmodel-5.1.0git24-1.10.2.armv7hl.rpm

That did the trick!

I’m still not able to enable Developer mode though…

Edit: At least now I can execute commands without the need to do the whole recovery mode thing. I can’t do devel-su. Also, If I want to install harbour-file-browser-1.7.3-0.armv7hl.rpm, I would also need the libsailfishapp dependency.

bash-3.2$ rpm -Uv ca-certificates-2023.2.62_v7.0.401-1.6.1.jolla_.noarch.rpm p11-kit-0.23.12-1.2.2.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm p11-kit-nss-ckbi-0.23.12-1.2.2.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm p11-kit-trust-0.23.12-1.2.2.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm

Result: error: can't create transaction lock on /var/lib/rpm/.rpm.lock (Permission denied)

I believe this is due to me not being a root. The su command requires a password which I don’t know. IIRC it’s randomly generated until it’s changed in the developer mode (ssh).

ok, I uploaded more packages that hopefully can enable developer-mode, just tell if you need more dependencies…

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Check if my command is correct.

bash-3.2# rpm -Uv jolla-developer-mode-0.3.1-10.12.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm jolla-developer-mode-profile-0.3.1-10.12.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm libsailfishapp-0.0.10-10.2.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm openssh-clients-5.6p1-1.1.2.armv7hl.rpm openssh-server-5.6p1-1.1.2.armv7hl.rpm rescue-password-off-0.3-10.3.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm vim-minimal-7.3.629-1.1.1.armv7hl.rpm
warning: jolla-developer-mode-0.3.1-10.12.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm: Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID f2633ee0: NOKEY
error: Failed dependencies:
        diffutils is needed by jolla-developer-mode-0.3.1-10.12.1.jolla.armv7hl
        rsync is needed by jolla-developer-mode-0.3.1-10.12.1.jolla.armv7hl
        screen is needed by jolla-developer-mode-0.3.1-10.12.1.jolla.armv7hl
        tar is needed by jolla-developer-mode-0.3.1-10.12.1.jolla.armv7hl

4 more: diffutils rsync screen tar

I started installing them one by one.

Successfully installed:

  • vim-minimal-7.3.629-1.1.1.armv7hl.rpm
  • rescue-password-off-0.3-10.3.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm
  • libsailfishapp-0.0.10-10.2.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm
  • jolla-developer-mode-profile-0.3.1-10.12.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm
  • openssh-server-5.6p1-1.1.2.armv7hl.rpm

Already installed:

  • openssh-clients-5.6p1-1.1.2.armv7hl.rpm

Require dependencies:

  • jolla-developer-mode-0.3.1-10.12.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm

4 more uploaded ++++

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Great! I installed tar-1.17-1.1.1.armv7hl.rpm and rsync-3.1.0git1-10.1.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm successfully, but the other two packages require other dependencies.

bash-3.2# rpm -Uv jolla-developer-mode-0.3.1-10.12.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm screen-4.0.2-1.1.2.armv7hl.rpm diffutils-2.8.1-1.1.1.armv7hl.rpm
warning: jolla-developer-mode-0.3.1-10.12.1.jolla_.armv7hl.rpm: Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID f2633ee0: NOKEY
warning: screen-4.0.2-1.1.2.armv7hl.rpm: Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 3647af9c: NOKEY
error: Failed dependencies:
        libutempter.so.0 is needed by screen-4.0.2-1.1.2.armv7hl
        /sbin/install-info is needed by diffutils-2.8.1-1.1.1.armv7hl

2 more uploaded ++++

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I can’t believe it…, we managed to make it work! That’s what it takes to install the Terminal and get Developer mode back and running…
Processing: IMG_4676.jpeg…

Edit: Wait… the Developer mode got disabled and now the terminal is gone?

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As I said, the Developer mode just disabled itself for some weird reason. I have been messing with this for the whole day and I’ll see what can i do tomorrow. At least we saw that it’s possible. I may just factory reset it again and reinstall all of the apps.

I have no idea what I did, but after factory resetting the phone, I was able to log in and start downloading the first-party apps. I’m also able to enable Developer mode and everything.
Again, big thanks to olf and especially lpr for all the help and effort they put in and for not giving up!

We didn’t exactly solve the original issue of the SSL handshake, but I hope this would be useful to someone else. Who knows, I may encounter the same issue in the future…