Google Maps / Komot, Android Support Crash after some Minutes using

Hello everyone,

I am quite new to this and i used a Xperia 10 III with SFOS and now
Under both versions, Android support crashes after some time of use of GMaps or Komot and only runs again after a reboot.
I could observe this behavior under both versions.
I could not observe any problems with other apps.

Does anyone have any idea what this could be and how to fix it?

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Does anyone have any idea what this could be and how to fix it?

The best thing is to use native Apps like Kuri, OSM-Scout, Pure Maps…etc.
This has several advantages: you no longer share your data with Google, native programs are smaller and often require less memory, and you save battery power if you can leave the Android support turned off.

of course, but sometimes not possible…
If you need traffic information in your sat nav or the same hiking app as your friends.

For car navigation I have had a smooth experience with AmiGO so far. The traffic info works really well, but sometimes it doesn’t find a POI and you need to enter the address. On the plus side it doesn’t require Google services.

For gmaps you’ll probably need microg or opengapps, then to make it use gps reliably see GPS/Location not working for Android apps - #49 by vige and lkraav’s post earlier GPS/Location not working for Android apps - #38 by lkraav for the remaining two permissions (all three permissions start with ACCESS_…)
Edit: btw you can get traffic tiles with here maps api key and pure maps, does require some clicking in the options iirc, oh and if the crashing still happens, reinstalling the apps after microg/opengapps is in place might help (or reinstall of whole appsupport from scratch)

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For the records, also Mapbox has a traffic layer if you configure the api-key in PureMaps. However, I don’t know if the navigation algorithm takes that into account


The same thing happens to me (XA2) (komoot, if the GPS module is turned on. There is probably too little RAM

I will try the solution from @throwaway69 and give a feedback.

I’m using MicroG and did:
pm grant android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
pm grant android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION
pm grant android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

I can’t guarantee you an outcome but on XIII gps in android apps with that pm command works just as reliably as in native apps (with opengapps even uber works and finds your location and triggers gps searching, without some apps will use sfos location so you can workaround with launching gpsinfo beforehand and apps like bolt can access that), wouldn’t recommend it to general populace, but if you are looking for gmaps, it’s probably the way to go (not an option for ppl using appsupport constantly for messaging etc but if you use it for x app, best in class)