Godot Engine port for SailfishOS

Hmmm. I get a patchelf error 127. That’s with just one target (aarch64) selected. The godot output pain:

--- Debugging process started ---
Godot Engine v3.5.1.rc.custom_build.350d6eb31 - https://godotengine.org
OpenGL ES 2.0 Renderer: Mesa Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 (HSW GT2)
--- Debugging process stopped ---
 Invalid URL scheme:  https://.
 Debug armv7hl template path is empty. Try use release template.
 No armv7hl template setuped
 Debug aarch64 template path is empty. Try use release template.
 Debug i486 template path is empty. Try use release template.
 No i486 template setuped
Use export path without any changes, its same in host and in build engine
Use patchelf to add rpath to binary
 Target SailfishOS- not exported succesfully
 Target SailfishOS- template path is empty. Skip
 Target SailfishOS- template path is empty. Skip

Once again, molecules work to compensate for frustration elsewhere. There a small update on open repos which adds score keeping :slight_smile:


i was already remove pathcelf from godot editor build

please redownload editor binary from latest release again

And check if your godot.project dont have any pathelf options, if it has, remove it

grep "patchelf" godot.project
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Builds still segfault on Volla and Volla22 (different android base / hardware).

I just tried harbour-dungeon (on Volla22 / GS5) and that gives me a different error:

[defaultuser@Phone22 ~]$ harbour-dungeon --verbose --main-pack /usr/share/harbour-dungeon/harbour-dungeon.pck
Godot Engine v3.5.1.rc.custom_build.cf1aa7422 - https://godotengine.org
Current vide driver is: wayland
Begin SDL2 initialization
Get display mode
Resolution is: 1080x2340
Try create SDL_Window
library "libpq_cust.so" not found
file offset for the library "/vendor/lib64/hw/gralloc.default.so" >= file size: 0 >= 0
xkbcommon: ERROR: couldn't find a Compose file for locale "en_US.utf8" (mapped to "en_US.utf8")
DisplayIndex is 0 

[0] opengles2
[1] opengles
[2] software
Create GL context.
Set allowed orientations to "portrait"
PulseAudio: context other
PulseAudio: context other
PulseAudio: context other
PulseAudio: context ready
PulseAudio: Detecting channels for device: sink.null
PulseAudio: detected 2 output channels
PulseAudio: audio buffer frames: 512 calculated output latency: 11ms
VisualServerWrapMT: Creating render thread
VisualServerWrapMT: Starting render thread
Segmentation fault

to understand what happen with Godot on that device - need debug it. But as you say, previous version 3.2 was work well?

I’ll try building with 3.2. A lot of 3d (gles2) projects also don’t run with 3.2 and I’m still figuring out which will and which won’t. This GitHub - poetaster/3D_Platform_Template: Basic 3D Platform to use in Godot Engine is one of the few that just works (I have a submodule here for the GodotTouchInputManager). Some things seem to be settings related and others not.