Gecko esr91 work (former "Flypig's gecko dev diary")

On 32bit devices (e.g. Xperia XA2), Reddit videos have no audio even after unmuting their JavaScript player. This is a regression compared to SFOS 4.6.

One workaround is to switch to desktop mode and maximize the volume of the JavaScript video player after unmuting it. (Unfortunately, of not much help when using the embedded browser in Quickddit to compensate for its lack of support for audio in Reddit videos.)

Searching from the address bar doesn’t work for me either. But I today realized that I can put a custom user.js file into /home/defaultuser/.local/share/org.sailfishos/browser/.mozilla. So I put the latest betterfox user.js in there with tweaks for faster scrolling, and now this oldtimer’s engine roars like a mustang :grin:


Can you give us a bit more detail, please?

Sure. Here is a step by step guide:

  1. install pico or any other text editor on your phone
  2. SSH into your phone
  3. $ cd /home/defaultuser/.local/share/org.sailfishos/browser/.mozilla/
    $ pico user.js
  4. I’ve pasted my user.js file here: , also includes adblock DNS settings. Mozilla recommends to not set those manually, but since we’ve got a gimped browser instead of all the firefox options, it’ll do. Copy and paste it into pico.
  5. Write the file out
  6. Maybe restart browser? And report if it’s faster or not now. For me, it is.

Caveat: I’ve not researched what options have been added or removed in the 43 firefox versions since firefox 91. And I’m not gonna to either. Nor can I tell right now which options here are useless in this custom firefox version vs normal firefox. I suppose some of them may be. Like the whole UI section. So use at your own peril.


Awesome! Thanks a lot

The blog is big. To save me reading all of it, for I simply do not have the time, are you able to provide a rough estimate of during which time period this was discussed?

Have a look at the preamble: List items

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Also, after I applied the user.js, searching from address bar works again, I just noticed. For me at least. :astonished:

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It is also answered here in this thread: Gecko esr91 work (former "Flypig's gecko dev diary") - #101 by flypig


On my XA2, the embedded web component always opens YouTube links in desktop mode with Sailfish 5.0. For example, in Quickddit… This is a regression.

One more issue from my XA2… Some videos on YouTube simply don’t play with default settings at all, others play with no audio. For example, to play I had to disable VP9 support in about:config.

The Reader View is probably the last feature I miss in the web browser after upgrading to SFOS 5.
It looks like JavaScript implementation:

For the more technical people, do you know if the underlying bits are built in the SFOS browser?
Any idea if this ReaderView mode can be tested / activated in SFOS?

The functionality is still there, just no way to activate it from the UI as far as I can tell. I’d file a bug.

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The root cause for the broken searching from address bar has been found and fix will be included in some upcoming release candidate version. For those interested the issue was caused by updated certificate in the Mozilla remote settings service which broke the validation of the remote settings when using older ESR versions like ESR91.


Can anyone confirm if the browser crashes when trying to make a post to pixelfed?

Will there be a separate ESR102 post?

Itmw, about how to significantly speed up the build process: is it possible to set up distcc or similar for distributed builds on build server farms here?

I created a thread for ESR102 development: Gecko ESR102 development


I have updated to Sailfish 5 today. And the browser works amazing. Thanks a lot for all your work!


Since with the new browser I can not login into websites with BasicAuth. When entering the credentials and selecting “Save them”, the browser does not try to login with the provided credentials. But when the “Save” option is not selected then the login steps works (but without saving the credentials, so forced to enter it every time). Anyone with the same issue?

I have this particular problem after upgrading to SFOS Is there a fix I could try? Thanks!