Developer Announcement - Qt 5.15 available for app developer testing

Qt has been updated to 5.15.9 (in Chum and Chum:testing).

Small issue appeared that was leading to freezing of Qt apps when QT_WAYLAND_RESIZE_AFTER_SWAP environment variable was set. New Qt-Runner (0.4.0) removes that variable from the environment used by applications running in it. If you use Qt apps via some other compositor (newcompositor), make sure that you don’t have that env var defined (it is by default on SFOS).


Q: Can I have (activate) Password manager on Angelfish? I can’t find an option to store usernames and passwords in Angelfish. Did I oversee something in Angelfish’s settings?

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[Feature Request] Add option to remember passwords (#63) · Issues · Network / Angelfish · GitLab not (yet) implemented.

Actually it seems QtWebEngine does not expose this feature (yet), being discussed for Qt 6.6 or 6.7 but not there yet. So Angelfish would have a hard time implementing that.


Many thanks for clarifying, @simonschmeisser .

I use ownkeepass, it has buttons on the app cover to copy the username and password to the clipboard


So I’ve the silliest of questions, can we use Web tech with this? (ie NodeGui)

2 new framework additions, threadweaver and syndicate


@rinigus When upgrading to SFOS qt-runner was uninstalled for me and I can no longer install it from chum app. It seems that chum doesn’t have a build of qt-runner for Can you please add a build for qt-runner or is there some issue?

QT-Runner is still present on my system ( / XA2+), but I can’t find it in Chum anymore either.

I got it working again by changing to for chum in ssu.

I haven’t had time to enable 5.15 builds for newer SFOS release. Would hopefully look into it in the next few days


I was actually curious to try some de applications, like elisa (that does not work anyway) but seems i can’t remove the kde dependencies as everything depends on some other thing, how do i remove things completely?

Would be awesome, take your time

Qt and KF have been updated and are available for as well.


How can I activate virtual keyboard for a Qt 5.15 app? Calling from qml doesn’t work. I looked at Qt5 VirtualKeyboard but other Qt 5.15 apps in chum don’t seem to use that.

BTW, if someone have issues with app getting wrong width/height it can be solved by disabling Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling.

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It should enable automatically if you run with qt-runner. Note that you need opt-qt5-sfos-maliit-platforminputcontext to be installed

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I am running with qt-runner and I have that package installed but at least I know in which direction to look now. Thanks for the help!

Just tested Angelfish. Works fast. Thanks for porting! Great achievement!

Found small issues:

  1. If connect headphones when something already playing it has issues with sound (like freezes). Works fine if headphones already connected when Angelfish has been started.
  2. Not able to use “pin” in the player to control player on youtube to rewind a video.
  3. Sometimes not able to exit from fullscreen (on youtube).

Tested on XA2 Plus.

p.s. 4. Quite funny option in settings of Angelfish is “hide navigation bar”.


Does Noson really work?
I’m able to play via Sonos speakers using Jupii but Noson refuses to find Sonos speakers at the same time.

It does work for me, though iirc, the default fw rules get in the way of device discovery maybe. try
noson-app --deviceurl=http://<ipaddress>:1400 as a first run to see if it finds your zone then.