Developer Announcement - Qt 5.15 available for app developer testing

I don’t know if the Zig compiler’s ability to
a) cross compile
b) compile C/C++
is of any use.
Thought I would mention it, fwiw.

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A common suggestion to tangle this problem on cheap Arm boards is to preload jmalloc, which can make a big differences and probably would have allowed you to go with -j2

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For the package that needed it (qtwebengine), I used docker based build environment. It seems to work well, so would stick to that for now. Thanks for a compiler reference!

Angelfish is now available at Chum. Don’t forget to install Maliit support for Opt Qt5 from Chum as well to use it.

Install may take a while as it will pull Qt 5.15 with it, including WebEngine. There are few bugs, such as copy-and-paste not working for me, settings not saved always (that one may get a fix soonish, have to dig into the code), and probably few others.

Webengine data:

Based on Chromium version:                             87.0.4280.144
Patched with security patches up to Chromium version: 108.0.5359.124

Hi rinigus,
great, thank you for all the work! I am not able to find the Maliit support for Opt QT5 in Chum…

It’s pretty fast and awesome so far!

Its this: Show sailfishos:chum / qt-sfos-maliit-platforminputcontext - SailfishOS Open Build Service

PS: Note that it is not Application, but a “Package”. You may have to allow Chum GUI to show all packages.

Awesome, it passes cloudflare block too (at least for now)
Edit: add to homescreen works (removing it doesn’t though) and launches without UI where zoom works (text entry crashes though, I guess maliit is skipped?)
Actually zoom works also normally, just override dpi in qt runner, great stuff
You can get the options to stick by creating a file ~/.config/angelfishrc with something like:



Full list: lib/angelfishsettings.kcfg · master · Network / Angelfish · GitLab


Sounds good!, I’ve been wanting to play with Qt3D. Now to work out how to get Qt3D in/on my SDK install.

Is there a “dummies” guide for adding Qt modules to SDK?

Unselect ‘show only applications’ in Chum, then go to packets, then type ‘Platforminput’ into the search field, then it will come.

rtfm :slight_smile: Getting Started · sailfishos-chum/qt5 Wiki · GitHub

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Works like charm on Volla, Thank you so much @rinigus !

Its a simple and fast browser !

Is there an option to make the text (font size) a little bit smaller? Are there config files to tweak some settings that are not available in the simple Angelfish settings menu?

Override dpi in qt runner, between 280-300 seems ok on XIII

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It looks like we all prefer it to be a bit smaller. I wonder if I have to set DPI to something less than the one which proposed by default


Where is this ‘general’ setting of QT runner? I really would like to do some experiments!

Hmm, installing angelfish also created a ‘Qt Runner’ icon for me, is it missing on Volla? Under default settings there are a couple of options one can tweak (dpi, env variables, theme selection)

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Yes, the Qt Runner icon is there on the app grid. Override DPI was unchecked, so I checked it and set the original 409 to new 251. Browser looks fine now, problem is solved. Thank you so much @throwaway69 !

It seems for me, that the new Qt Runner opens an option to run apps on SFOS that was not possible previously without the Qt Runner. Am I right? If yes, what other apps can I now install and run on SFOS phone?

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Thank you: that worked out.

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@rinigus brilliant. works really well. as others have mentioned, cloudflare seems less bitchy and with modest (dpi) setup changes, it’s killer! Thanks!

Ah, cool. WASM works better than I expected. Yipee!