I don’t know how old you are or for how long you are around.
I’ve been using N9 and after this AquaFish and Sailfish OS.
My patience is near the end.
Everything you write etc. was discussed before - everything is dead end.
I start thinking the problem is in Jolla and their mentality, but when I cite the Harmattan case, I get flagged and silenced.
Perhaps Jolla has to hire someone from the east - just an idea - not necessary a Russian - might be Chinese or Indian or Bulgarian or Chech or Hungarian.
I am afraid the situation is not getting any better although respect for the C2 … well Volla 22 rebranded
Still a major proof that someone is doing something …
Anyway … you can do PoC for crowd funding anything … there are not that many developers and Jolla decides what to approve and what not to approve. And there are not that many users who will bet on the same bug fix. IMO it simply needs a better management and funding.
I was thinking perhaps a petition to the EU is a better option. The imbeciles there have money to spend on any kind of s…t so now may be a good point in time to ask for funding Jolla Sailfish, AI etc.
I still think my Nokia N900 was the best phone I ever owned.
A refresh of it would definitely getting me to dip into my rainy day funds.
I also think The Sovereign Tech Fund or some EU fund should do something about the foreign duopoly.
That might be even worse. Just look at all the surveillance laws they have already imposed on us, and those in the pipeline.
The EU is big enough, that the left hand doesn’t know, what the right hand does.
@eson also I think, you didn’t read the mission statement and didn’t look at the past contributions of the Sovereign Tech Fund.
Strengthening security is exactly there thing and I have enough trust in the projects that a bit of money wont corrupt them into weakening security if the get publicly handed money to enhance it and underhandedly demanded to weakening it.