Crowd funding prioritisation development?

That problem cannot be fixed easily. Lenin thought it could work in one country. It didn’t work out.
Money buys things. No money buys nothing.

Well, we were asked for opinions, I point and will stop discussing political systems :wink:

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Yes, this works if the issue is within the open source components of Sailfish OS - I’ve mistakenly commented here on the assumption that we were talking about closed source, an assumption made on my wild guess, based on the nature of the problems in the opening post.
If the issue is in the open source bits, of course that people can contribute time, money for those who could contribute time, etc. etc…

Can we please know what parts are closed source? I strongly assume Sailjail, encryption and boot password handling… Am I wrong? What else is closed source? Replacement with open source components possible? Any ideas?

I think it’s the GUI parts and AAS.
AFAIK encryption and boot password it LUKS based.


Q: Are you considering keeping one-time-fee (perpetual) Sailfish license available?
A: Yes, we are and also based on the feedback it looks that we keep the option for a Sailfish OS (perpetual) license with fixed fee available for all supported device models. This will be offered next to the subscription model.

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How does the subscription model work?
Bank order / automatic debit transfer possible?
or only these newfangled payment services like Pa*pal etc.?

@Blumenkraft I agree with @pawel.spoon .
The video of Jolla C2 was clearly stating “the phone to be used as daily driver to protect your data” and in fact if you install SFOS 5.x you will observe the shell fingerterm app is not in the launcher: the bash/shell app appears only after you selected “developer mode ON” and created devel-su password

Related, from 2y ago Why aren't more core table stakes apps open sourced to speed up progress?

Nothing much has changed, other than Jolla → Jollyboys refactor, with undoing some orcish shackles.

Don’t want to spoil christmas. Similar theeads do pop up every second year.
The last or better first time that something did happen was the fundation of the sailmates… i did add the link above.
Wonder what will happen this time.

This is normal behavior. Terminal always was available only in dev mode.


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The proof is in the pudding, all that billions of roubles got us is multiuser experience when the gov is so poor it has to give the same phone to multiple people and they have to share (and all the ‘data gone when using this new rostelecom funded feature’, just like 1 guy gets a rifle another bullets, it might work for some situations, but worthless for all normal users, keep the roubles, aurora needs them more, jollyboys managed to get the old group together and it’s looking pretty good on this side of iron curtain 2.0)

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No idea what you are talking about. “The gov is so poor …” - you guys live in a parallel bubble universe. I see that the stupidity reaches new dimensions. I have exactly the same use case with my wife - we want to share one android device, but can not … I must conclude that we are very poor. Unbelievable - your logic rocks!
And what the jollyboys managed to do is obvious and also frightening to hear “the old group”, because this brought nothing useful in the past 10y except issues that were not fixed and new versions with new issues that were not fixed. (well I admit some issues did get fixed, I don’t want to argue. The point is, it is far away from working stable).
But consider this - if the situation was sooo cooool why don’t continue with the same licensing model as until now? It’s simply not competitive compared to Volla or Fairphone. And I’m not quite sure what I do subscribe for.
The good thing is one can decide to not subscribe … but here I suspect intentionally leaving bugs to motivate people to subscribe, which is stupid.
Also what I mentioned above the C2 phone comes with 1y subscription, while warranty is 2y and price is 285,90€.
Interesting enough I can not find the information about the subscription cost today, while I found it yesterday. I think it was 59€ but could have been 50€ as well.
I checked yesterday - the specs of the C2and they match the Volla 22, which comes with LineageOS for 495,99€ in the area where I live. Volla 22 is rocket solid device - 0 (ZERO) issues. I repeat ZERO issues - have two friends using it.
So if I buy the Jolla C2 and pay for at least two years it costs 385,90 (if subscription is 50), but why should I pay for subscription the first year, when the updates are max 1x per year. The first year should be included anyway in the price.

Conclusion: Price of C2 is competitive compared to Volla 22 when intended use <4y
Still the many bugs reported are a problem. I don’t understand why they (the boys) don’t sit down and fix some of the older once … like for example the Fingerprint daemon which stops working on the Xperia 10 II.

I’ve no idea where you pulled those license numbers, but 5$ times 3-4 years support is easily180-240 bucks, counting on 50-60euro forever license is what brought jolla to its knees and right into rostelecom arms, not sustainable. And yeah, if priority number 1 for a gov is making their 150euro handset usable by 2-3 bureaucrats in shifts, it’s a cost cutting excercise, can’t afford individual phones, lets pay finns billions of roubles to save millions, sure looks good on paper, but that is what you get with governments and bureucrats deciding the priorities in development, pretty sure it would be as retarded if EU set the priorities, monitoring bottle caps status, or how many farts users exude to conquer global warming or something. And the old jolla team is only just regrouped, quite a lot of old names rejoined thanks to that absurd AI rush or whatever, but also OS development somehow sped up, weird huh :wink:

I pulled them from the site the day before, but yesterday I couldn’t find any numbers, even the 5$. I can not find anymore. I also do not understand “5$ times 3-4 years support is easily180-240”.
At the moment I find only the order page with price of 285,00 for the C2. If you have a reference, please share.
As for Russia, their government and what they are doing with the Aurora phones, it is not our business to judge or worse - make conclusions. as far as I can see their economy is going perfectly well. It recently surpassed combined G-7. I do not care what this or that country or corporation is doing. I do care how it impacts my life. I have experience with Russia and with Jolla and I have the right to have an opinion.
Back to the license topic.
It is not clear what the 285 include - is the 5$ for the subscription? What is the process to order the subscription. Give me links, because obviously Jolla removed the information after I wrote the comment here (might be coincidence or not).

It’s from Jolla Love Day 2, 5€/month is the upcoming subscription price, so just multiply by how many months there are in 3,4,5… years and you get its value, are they gonna charge that much for perpetual licences, doubtful

Once again, 2 days ago I saw different numbers on the web site. Today there are no numbers at all.
You are telling some BS or may be not … Show me this written down from Jolla. As for maths, I am pretty good in it and I can count myself.
If you have a link, share it, else stop with the rumors.
I really have the feeling in this forum is the mental health hospital - I hope it is not infectious :smiley: