Does someone have experience with compiling a GStreamer plugin and could post step by step instructions on how to do it? Sadly, it’s not as easy as building a normal project, and so far my attempts to do it failed.
There are both latest versions of GStreamer itself as well as variety of plugins (base, good, bad, etc) compiled and readily available from OpenRepos but they all miss that specific one plugin that I need, i.e. modplug (support for Tracker music like Amiga MOD, XM, S3M, IT, etc). The modplug plugin is in bad plugins, but in “ext” folder (which I guess means “extras”), which isn’t included in any of the builds…
Long ago someone built that plugin (also available on OpenRepos but it was still in GStreamer 0.1 times and it doesn’t work anymore with GStreamer 1.0.
So, would someone please be able to help with either instructing how to build it or simply compiling it? The source code of bad plugins is here