Compatibility layer for standard Linux applications

For creating documents i could compile tinytex and then i can run pdflatex on the phone :slight_smile:

I actually tried that but gave up after a while.

Pandoc would be another cool thing to have, but bootstrapping ghc and everything is such a pain on OBS.

As it is with all these newfangled builders which insist on pulling dependencies from the web.

At which point did you give up?

For me a native XCSoar would be nice…

Huh, that was easy.

I have no idea how to use it, but it compiles, installs, and runs.

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By the way, there is this website listing Linux apps for mobile.

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I want gnome settings^^

How can all these apps be installed on a Sailfish phone?

Founded on the Fediverse: Yann Büchau :python:: "Well, that was surprisingly easy: @kde@floss.soci…" - Fosstodon

I just want to also say how much i want this. I mean i theory sfos would be able to run all of this right?
the kde apps alone are a good lot.

Cool that you want that so bad, but maybe try existing solutions 1st and then reconsider. We’re really better of with Android, as it is designed to run with a certain kernel and libGL. Desktop Linux is not.