Community meeting on IRC 20th January 2022

Schedule: Thursday 2022-01-20T08:00:00Z (Check here for UTC or to download calendar reminder)

Topic proposals for the meeting:

  • add your name/nick using the template below to suggest a topic.
  • indicate how much time you will need for the topic so we can time-box the meeting accordingly
  • please be as thorough as you can with your question/topic
  • if you can’t make the meeting please ask and then name a substitute who can in your place.

It is expected that you show up and present your topic, or name a substitute and make sure they attend in your absence. These IRC meetings are for real time participation and live discussions, otherwise you can post the topic on here and get responses that way.

We need you to be present to clarify details in the topic, and to ensure the discussion is leading to the answers you are looking for! If you do not participate or your question/topic isn’t clear enough it will be postponed. Also: Always ask for more time than you anticipate your topics needs!

Please try and have your topics ready at least 3 days before the meeting. This will help us have answers ready beforehand to save time. Topics announced afterwards will be postponed to the next meeting.

Template for topic proposal: (post your topic proposals as comments to this forum topic)

  • Name / IRC nick:
  • topic:
  • some details about the topic:
  • approx. time needed:
  • optional: name of substitute if you cannot make it to the upcoming meeting (and inform your substitute)
  • Name / IRC nick: ddobrev
  • topic: Open the source code of the entire system
  • some details about the topic: Some parts of the system, such as the GUI (Silica) are still proprietary. This repels many users and contributors - some of the latter have explicitly stated this and the old Qt as the reasons they left Sailfish for. I’m not talking about the Android layer the opening of which while still useful it seems to me is legally impossible. I only mean the OS itself, and perhaps the built-in applications.
  • approx. time needed: 10 minutes

Name / IRC nick: Karry
topic: lowmemory killer and memory state reporting

some details about the topic: Sailfish OS has mechanism for notifying applications when system has not enough memory (by mce daemon, via D-Bus api). Together with lowmemory killer (kernel module) that kills applications when memory is under pressure, it maintain free memory reserve. It is good idea. But it is not working properly on Sony mobiles without memnotify api. Mce is counting free memory wrongly with cgroup api. And kernel lowmemory killer has multiple downsides. See [][Xperia 10 II] Unknown memory level reported by MCE and my blog post Sailfish OS and memory :: So my question is, what are Jolla’s plan in this area? Specifically:

  • do Jolla want to use lowmemory killer in kernel in future, or migrate to user-space daemon, similar as Android does?
  • do you agree with my conclusion that mce computes memory incorrectly? :slight_smile: what api to use, when memnotify is not available? Cgroup don’t provides enough details. I can imagine just parsing /proc/meminfo

approx. time needed: 10 minutes
name of substitute: I should be able to attend the beginning of the meeting (first 40 minutes). I don’t know the substitute, but we may continue discussion asynchronously, or in next meeting…


Name / IRC nick: lolek
topic: better phone lock
some details about the topic:
We finally get encryption even tho it’s bad right now but there has been information that it will be improved which is great! So I’d like to get back to the old idea of the picture password, more about this can be read here: Picture password
A special warning, please do not confuse this with Android picture password which is very very weak, it’s totally different thing.
approx. time needed: 10mins
optional: Will try to be there, but I’d like to get info from Jolla if they’re willing to do anything in this regard.

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  • Name / IRC nick: rinigus

  • topic: Use of FOSS storage encryption solution as a base for official storage encryption on SFOS

  • some details about the topic: There is an open source storage encryption solution ( that has been enrolled on some unofficial ports. It has support for plain LUKS alphanumeric passwords, passwords backed up by Android HW security solutions, integration with SFOS Settings, to name the few. The license has been selected to allow such integration (GPLv2). So, I wonder whether Jolla would consider joining forces and develop its future alphanumeric solution using our code for it as a base.

  • approx. time needed: 15 min

  • optional: the meeting is during my business hours and I may not be able to attend. However, I’ll be happy to read the logs regarding it and don’t hesitate to contact me by email regarding any relevant questions that may arise.


Minutes: #sailfishos-meeting: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 20th January 2022
Minutes (text):
Log: #sailfishos-meeting log