Community meeting on 4th July 2024

From today’s meeting:

07:34:01 If 4th July looks reasonably let’s try… we’ll update if it looks that it’s more feasible to push it forward.

Said that due to soon starting vacation period.

Schedule: Thursday 2024-07-04T07:00:00Z   :world_map:   :date:

Topic proposals for the meeting:

  • Add your name/nick using the template below to suggest a topic.
  • Indicate how much time you’ll need so we can time-box the meeting accordingly.
  • Please be as thorough as you can with your question/topic.
  • If you can’t make the meeting please ask and name a substitute.

It is expected that you show up and present your topic, or name a substitute and make sure they attend in your absence. These IRC meetings are for real time participation and live discussions, otherwise you can post the topic on here and get responses that way.

We need you to be present to clarify details in the topic, and to ensure the discussion is leading to the answers you are looking for! If you do not participate or your question/topic isn’t clear enough it will be postponed. Also: always ask for more time than you anticipate your topic needs!

Please have your topics ready at least 3 days before the meeting so we can prepare good answers. Topics announced afterwards will be postponed to the next meeting.

Template for topic proposal: (post your topic proposals as comments to this forum topic).

* Name/IRC nick:
* Topic:
* Some details about the topic:
* Approx. time needed:
* Substitute (optional):

Open Pull Requests:
If you have, or know of, a pull request that’s been open for at least 3 weeks, but which you think deserves attention, please add a comment using the template below and we’ll consider it during the next meeting.

* Name/IRC nick:
* Open PR URL:

  • Name/IRC nick: tuplasuhveli
  • Topic: Changing the weather provider for the next release
  • Some details about the topic: User @tohaturok was able to utilise OpenWeather API for the Weather app. Have there been any plans or work done to include this (or any other API change) to the upcoming Sailfish release?
  • Approx. time needed: 5 minutes
  • Substitute (optional): I’ll be present.

EDIT: I’m not able participate due to my work and I couldn’t find anyone to substitute me.

  • Name/IRC nick: rubdos
  • Topic: DBusInterface (Nemo.Dbus) docs and properties
  • Some details about the topic:

DBusInterface is not very easy to work with in it’s current state. According to the source code, it exposes some very useful properties like a status field, but I haven’t been able to use it yet. Any chance this gets documented? getProperty is also undocumented, but is rather useful. Additionally, exposing DBus properties as QML properties would be even more awesome!

Currently, I’m using DBusInterface by updating some QML properties when a signal comes in, and that sounds far from ideal.

  • Approx. time needed: 5 min
  • Substitute (optional): @direc85 (pretty please?)

Minutes: #sailfishos-meeting: Sailfish OS, open source, collaboration -- 4th July 2024
Minutes (text):
Log: #sailfishos-meeting log