Community meeting on 30th May 2024

Ah, I just checked on the phone:
curl | jq ‘.[] | select(.date == “2024-05-31”)’ | grep dish is pretty speedy. I’ve forgotten how to use map in jq, but I’d do this with jq. not sure if that’s more or less efficient since jq is a language itself.

Yeh, I don’t think it’d be that difficult to throw it together in bash with jq, but then again I’d have to have jq around :smiley:
Most of the things you’d need here are by default on SF in Python afaik.

I have jq on the phone (it’s in the repos) for fetching calendar entries and pushing them into the calendar. I also use it for test scripts for my crappy weather app. I’ll take a look later just for laughs since the calendar script is a similar problem. But you’ll have it done before I get to it, I suspect :slight_smile: I do believe all the necessary bits for a python version are there.

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Thank you for responding to the many questions brought to this community meeting!

I’ll eagerly wait for future news on the source code license(s), and I’ll start a topic on developer device licenses. (Also, thank you for yearly and perpetual license options!)

The seeming lack of kernel and driver support on the Jolla Community Phone 2 was something of a disappointment. While Xperia hardware has generally been nice, some functionality has stayed in a (semi-?)broken state even though Sony have released updates. I would expect more from a new “reference device”.

The Discord invite link for the Mind2 in the meeting minutes seems to have expired. The one provided on the page may be good (it hadn’t expired, but I still couldn’t register).


I suppose the main purpose of C2 - as a reference phone for developers - is to have a high-quality, closer-to-hardware port available for both the sailors and the community. In that regard the specs are somewhat secondary, as long as they are adequate (which they are IMO). Having a cooperating manufacturer with adequate support, and knowing the availability/manufacturability of the device to some time into the future are way more important, I think.

And soon^tm there should be X10IV/V support, which have a lot more to offer in the specs department! Things are looking quite good actually, aren’t they?

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I agree, which is why I’m a bit disappointed. My impression from the reply is that this will be no different than for the Xperias. I may still get the C2, though.

personally, i would take VoLTE support on the XZ2c over any of these phones. i love that little guy.
it would be nice if they supported even one world phone (the world including the delicate little snowflake that is north america, i mean).

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