Car stereo does not connect via Bluetooth after phone power-on if visibility is OFF

I did the following test round:

  1. Set Bluetooth visibility off
  2. Reboot the phone
  3. Turn the car on
  4. => Check if the car and the phone connect
  5. Turn the car off. Keep the phone powered on.
  6. Disable and enable Bluetooth.
  7. Turn the car on
  8. => Check if the car and the phone connect
  9. Turn the car off. Keep the phone powered on.
  10. Enable and disable Bluetooth visibility
  11. Turn the car on
  12. => Check if the car and the phone connect

Step 4: No automatic BT connection.
Step 8: No automatic BT connection.
Step 12: Yes, automatic BT connection created.

I collected a bunch of logs while doing this.


I did a very similar procedure, up until your step 8 (with the same result). Then:

  1. I tapped the car’s entry on the list of paired devices. It did not connect.
  2. I waited for a minute or two
  3. Without turning off the car, I enabled and disabled visibility. It connected almost instantaneously.

@cypherpunks what phone, which Sailfish version, and what make/model/year of the car are you using?

Locking, unlocking the car work as well, but that’s Bluetooth LE

This is intriguing. Is there a native app that lets you control your car?

Sony Xperia 10 II
Sailfish Version
Tesla Model 3 Performance

Yes, one of the many reasons I like Tesla is that they actually bother to provide a native Sailfish app (at least if you’re a fleet partner), plus also allow for ext4 formatted USB drives to be used for storage (dashcam, mp3 music, etc.)

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they actually bother to provide a native Sailfish app

Wow, that’s impressive and very nice of them. I wasn’t aware.

Sony Xperia 10 II

So maybe the problem only affects Xperia 10 III?

I can test it with a 10 III tomorrow, no problem.

To be precise, it was more of a combined effort. Tesla provided the binary (the hard part that actually talks to the car) but I had to create the QML UI myself (which was comparably easy).

I have since tried after a reboot, setting visibilty on then imediately off again, and both car and headset connect automatically.

This has only affected my 10iii it never affected my XA2+ or X or J1

Edit. Fix typos

Confirming - my Ford Mondeo infortaintment system (by Sony) is able to initiate and connect to my X10III on as soon as I enable Bluetooth discoverability from my phone. It shouldn’t affect that, but it does.

Huge kudos to @smokku for discovering this! That’s quite a first post you dropped there! :clap:

X10III: yep confirmed :heavy_plus_sign:1

Tested on Dynavin N7 head unit y-day, both devices were sitting dumb idling next to each other for minutes, enable BT Visibility === instant connect.

Just remembered another reproducer with my already paired Logitech K380 Bluetooth keyboard. Sure enough, it follows the set of new expectations:

  1. Enable Bluetooth, disable visibility
  2. Power on keyboard
  3. Press the “F1 / device 1” button to connect
  4. Wait for connection LED stop blinking
  5. Observe that connection was not established
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 a few times
  7. Enable visibility
  8. Press the connection button
  9. Connection is established