[C2] Clock app Timer does not play alarm sound (ngfd stuck?)

HARDWARE: Reeder S19 Max Pro S - s19mps - s19mps - - aarch64
UI LANGUAGE: English (UK) (user: en_GB, os: en_GB.utf8)
REGRESSION: yes (since: - aarch64)


Using the Clock app to schedule an alarm (Timer).
When timer elapses, alert is shown but no sound is played.


Sounds are working generally. (Checked through Settings->Sounds)


  1. Open Clock app
  2. Set a Timer, save it, start
  3. let it elapse


Audible alert


Visible alert (timer alarm window), but no sound.


  • Patchmanager: yes
  • OpenRepos: yes
  • Chum: yes
  • Other: none specified


Device Owner User: nemo
Home Encryption: enabled

Related reports:

the initial version of this bug report was created using Bugger 0.10.6+git3

I did not encounter this on the C2 yet but on Xperia 10iii it happened randomly. I believe it could be related to pulseaudio crashing and there is no sound at all which affects alarm sound as well.

I believe that’s the known problem of ngfd being stuck.

After restarting sounds appear again.

Restarting (user) pulseaudio did not fix it.

Thanks for pointing out! I do remember seeing „ngfd” using a lot of memory on C2, e.g. after using the camera app. I didn’t connect it to breaking the sound but after killing this process, I noticed the trigger sound of the camera appeared and audio restored.

Can confirm here on C2. But it’s not only Clock app, other “system” sounds (pully menu, touchscreen tap sounds, notifications) are also randomly not working. Restarting sound system also didn’t fix.

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Confirming the ngfd being the culprit on C2.

It used up to 12.8% CPU constantly when hung up.
If so, no alarm, no notification sound, no vibra, no…
An absolute unreliable phone then

Fixed it with a script put into /etc/profile.d which checked the CPU usage being greater than 10% and killing, restarting ngfd.

Unfortunately I fiddled with the device and the fstab file and had a boot loop. Now it is on the way back… Together with the script but it was only a few ps aux grep cut xargs and if commands :wink:

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Oh, I’m sorry about that. I do hope for home recovery option soon for all of us. And your script. And that it won’t be needed again :wink:.

Killing the process ngfd fixes the issue for me. Although I haven’t used any other sounds than alarm on my C2 but at least alarms work :slight_smile:

Pleeeeeease fix this in the next release, I’ve overslept a few times already! :smiley:

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