As interim solution I made an alias in ~/.profile:
alias sfb=‘sailfish-browser’
So I can easily start the browser by CLI until the problem is solved.
edit: the other affected app, AllRadio, can be launched in the same way by CLI and this alias in ~/.profile:
alias radio=‘harbour-allradio’
When operating from laptop, this messages appear on the CLI, I hope this may help to find the bug.
[defaultuser@VollaPhone ~]$ sfb
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library “” not found
greHome from GRE_HOME:/usr/bin is not found, in /usr/bin/
Created LOG for EmbedLiteTrace
[D] onCompleted:105 - ViewPlaceholder requires a SilicaFlickable parent
Created LOG for EmbedLite
Created LOG for EmbedPrefs
Created LOG for EmbedLiteLayerManager
/# Browser is up and working now
/# after closing Browser, the following lines appear:
Call EmbedLiteApp::StopChildThread()
[defaultuser@VollaPhone ~]$
[defaultuser@VollaPhone ~]$ radio
[W] unknown:0 - SailfishApp::application() called multiple times
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library “” not found
[W] unknown:166 - file:///usr/share/harbour-allradio/qml/pages/Favorites.qml:166:32: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
[W] unknown:166 - file:///usr/share/harbour-allradio/qml/pages/Favorites.qml:166:32: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
[W] unknown:166 - file:///usr/share/harbour-allradio/qml/pages/Favorites.qml:166:32: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
[W] unknown:166 - file:///usr/share/harbour-allradio/qml/pages/Favorites.qml:166:32: Unable to assign [undefined] to QString
[D] onStatusChanged:236 - STATUS2
[D] onReadyChanged:54 -
[D] onStatusChanged:236 - STATUS4
[D] onStatusChanged:236 - STATUS1
/# Radio is up and playing now
/# on changing stations, some messages appear
onStatusChanged:236 - STATUS2
[D] onStatusChanged:236 - STATUS4
[D] onStatusChanged:236 - STATUS1
[D] onStatusChanged:236 - STATUS2
[D] onReadyChanged:54 -
[D] onStatusChanged:236 - STATUS4
/# after closing AllRadio, the following lines appear:
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
[defaultuser@VollaPhone ~]$
I hope this small report may help.
edit: Experiments revealed: it was the Sailjail thing.
to the application starter file in
did it. Allradio and Browser now working as usual.