correct, but on the other hand, the question is more then unprecise.
today i read a nice joke on the internet, so i do have to ask you: are you a facebook user ?
Going completely OT but well: No, I am not.
Or were you asking the OP?
That may be the case with Matrix, but absolutely not the case with XMPP. I believe XMPP is superior to Matrix anyways. Too bad Jolla doesn’t support OMEMO encryption in the native client. I still use Conversations.
@rubdos is doing an awesome job in maintaining Whisperfish. AFAICT only text-messaging is supported up to now, so Video and audio calling are, for now, out of the question. If you are only looking for text messaging, try Whisperfish out
@avais101: Has your original question been answered resp. have you got the help you needed?
Call me pedantic guys, but this topic (well, most posts at least) isn’t of much help for making an informed decision about an alternative messenger.
E.g. supposing the OP’s motivation to ditch WhatsApp was their recent change of terms (now postponed) regarding privacy I consider it self-defeating to suggest Telegram.
Use it if you like. But do not tell anyone who cares for privacy and enhanced security to use it. That’s not what Telegram can offer.
For a quick comparison :
And you can check this video at 3:45 for an easy to grasb comparison :
I suggest:
own IRC server with ZNC, blowfish and otp plugin. Hand the otp key created by quantum noise to your partners physically.
Everything else MUST have a backdoor in the USA and soon in europe, too. I guess Matrix or encrypted XMPP with an own server is an alternative.
P2P messengers like tox or briar don’t rely on central servers and, thus, won’t be affected by any change of security laws (except they might be declared “illegal”).
I personally, don’t fear the (European) goverments that particular much that I’d stop using the current services even if the new laws get in service. Actually, I can hardly imaging that e.g. Threema would break their encryption under such a law since it would counterfeit their business modell.
Many thanks for this,
Would I need to install Flatpack first and then Telegram?
I havent done anything major with my XA2 apart from flash it and add SFOS and that was me seriously pushing my limits!
it is OT cause i wanted to ask avais101, did choose the wrong reply button it seems
“the question is more then unprecise.”
Is it?
I asked for a guide on installing either Telegram or Signal and asked if there were any other alternatives I should consider?
Why, do you want to add me?
Just wanted to say thanks for all the helpful replies, its a great show of strength of the Jolla community!
Is it just a simple case of installing via the Android Store through my phone , the Store currently shows (Telegram V 7.3.1) and Signal (5.2.3)?
Also, where can I find Whisperfish?
For info, I’m running OS3.4 with Android App Support switched on
Thanks again all
It’s in the openrepos store. You need to install the Storeman app from
and then you can search for Whisperfish.
I have added Storemen to my phone (cant believe how much stuff there is in there!)
Thanks again
As I mentioned often:
-You need (a lot of) trust in Threema, swizzerland has laws and I think they have a backdoor
-You need to trust your GSM baseband
-Authorities use screenrecording to spy via closed display drivers (Israel and ‘Bundestrojaner’)
Signal leaves metadata at AWS, google, cloudfare etc:
Sender and reciever IP-Adress
size of package data
time of connections
no GSM device is secure
none of at this point available consumer hardware is secure (almost: there IS very expensive open hardware available)
You could have a look at :
Most privacy aware people flock to Signal, but there are other good options too: Wire messenger is encrypted by default, has a beautiful design, open source, yet saves a few logs. Jurisdiction in Europe. No phone number needed and available without Google.
Threema is now open source too, well encrypted, jurisdiction in EU. A problem for Jolla users is that you have to pay once for the app.
Telegram is popular and since it is in Jolla store (Fernschreiber) it is probably safer than the original app,although not encrypted by default.
Depends upon what you intend to do with it.
We use Wire and Telegram.
The German government uses Wire officially now. For business and organisations it is paid, for individuals it is free.
Does anyone know what the business model of Telegram and Signal is?