Best device to buy for Sailfish os

Hi everyone. I decided to return back to sailfish os and was wondering which device has the best performance, most compatible and fewest bugs to get. I used to have an xperia 10 iii which is the one i lean forward to but i remember a few issues like the echo canceling not working during calls. How is the current status now? Jolla C2 seems like inferior in performance from some of the reviews i ve seen.


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The C2 is an “official” device and will have the best support.

PS The HW situation sucks.

But the Performance sucks also. At the moment my C2 is in the shelf waiting for better support. Using Xperia 10 III as a daily driver.


I’m quite happy with the C2. Long battery life, does all the phone things I need. It’s a clear improvement over the 10 III for me. YMMV of course.


For me unfortunately not. I can’t even send SMS on C2…

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At least it should be like this. But during like 6-7 months C2 is inferior to XA2 (imo) and there is no point comparing it to Xperia 10 lineup.

As for now Xperia 10 III is the best possible hardware and software wise. And it’s gonna be for a long long time.

So if the C2 lacks in almost every matter I don’t see how it could be, even with best possible hardware adaptation better than 10 III not to mention upcoming 10 V.

No matter what will be true in upcoming months I really wish Jolla can pull C2 up. For me I see no future for C2 already, but if it is somewhat successful I hope it will result in much better devices in the future.


Thanks for the info. I will buy xperia 10 iii in this case. Two more questions

Is the echo still present during calls?

I have a license for it which i bought a few years ago. Is it still valid or i need to subscribe for it?

No one can really tell about echo, for my X10III it has never been there.
License follows device, so new device = new license.

So even though i had an xperia 10 iii before i need to buy a new one or buy a subscription? It used to be 50 euro

I should say so, yes. But hey… it’s half that price today. :wink:
And I’m pretty sure Jolla can use the money.

In other words… greed is one of the deadly sins. :wink:


Have you ever registered THIS licence on a phone? Or is it an old purchase that never was registered by connecting a phone to Jolla server?

I have both phones (Xperia 10III and C2) as daily use, one in the left the other in the right pocket of my trousers. I have several SIM cards from multiple countries…need always at least two phones.

I must say that I like to more and more take out the C2. It had a lot of software issues with the first versions of SFOS 5 but the current one is relatively well working. The huge size, missing fingerprint reader and no notification LED are clear hardware drawbacks…but that’s mostly the case with all Samsung’s and Apple’s as well…unfortunately that’s where the industry was heading.

Anyway, both phones (C2 vs. 10III) have pros and cons but I’m sure that C2 will get better with every new SFOS release.
What I like in particular is that the battery life (not good in 10III even with all optimizations) and useability of the camera (except for video recording…here I use an Android app for now) is a lot better in C2. Regarding Android app support, I know there is still something to work on the C2 but I cannot complain about those apps I use. Also my banking app works in principle even though microG and signature spoofing isn’t working as expected. I can live with it for now. Generally I would go for the C2 even a second time - just order it! Hopefully they’ll have screen protectors and silicon cases again as well!!!


Do you think the c2 will get faster with updates? I think for basic use it is fast enough, but eg browsing is not as smooth.

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Hardware adaptation can only go so far and at the end it is limited by hardware itself. C2 can get faster, but in a limited way.

And the battery I heard a lot about how 10 III battery is weak. I don’t know maybe you have shitty devices ( :stuck_out_tongue: )or just comparing new battery in C2 to 3 years old worn down battery from 10 III

In my case 10 III lasts 1,5 up to 2 days of moderate use or one day of heavy use.
Especially because of this I take care of my battery never let is discharge below 20% and never charge more than 80%. So this 60% of total capacity is enough for full day use (Disconected in the mornig and connected again in evening)

I really don’t care if my battery lasts more than one day. If it lasts one day it is enough.


I have actually registered the license
I was using xperia 10 iii with sailfish os for about 6 months so i guess i will need to buy a new license

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License transfer is possible in the same license group which is the case if you have the same device ( If you don’t use the license anymore, you can request to transfer the license to the new device:


Wow thanks i didn’t know that . Now the waiting game until the device arrives

The easiest way to estimate the maximum of performance is to look at benchmarks and it looks the performance of C2 is at Xperia 10 II level and never will be as fast as 10 III.
Sony Xperia 10 II vs C2 aka Reeder S19 Max Pro S vs Sony Xperia 10 III

Maybe someone wants to try this:

on a C2?

I did also deactivate the swap on my C2 with:

devel-su swapoff -a

Because with its 8GB RAM, even without swap it never reached the 4-5GB-Zone. So i will have less wear on the Systempartition and it seems to run faster/more smoother.

You have to do it after every new (re)boot.

But do it on your own risk, maybe you have other useage like me with more RAM needed and it can of course corrupt your data, when RAM is full and the Kernel get in Panic, the System can freeze or restart with data-loss.

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