Auto-Start = good, Background (GUI) Launch = ? (Tint Overlay)

Further to this tip-off, I’m able to auto-start TintOverlay* (app of coderus). Required file appears to be usr/bin/harbour-tint-overlay

This is great - thanks again @esatikka , and I’m content to leave it there.

…however, wouldn’t it be nice if we could invoke this/other things into the background? GNUbie move incoming: I attempted throwing in an ‘&’ at the end of the bash line (ahem, no).

Is it possible - it ought to be, right? Again I’m asking for help from you guys - I’ve looked, tried and failed. Sorry to be a clutz.

* :clap: I finally tackled understanding some basic shell commands :3rd_place_medal:

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…however, wouldn’t it be nice if we could invoke this/other things into the background? GNUbie move incoming: I attempted throwing in an ‘&’ at the end of the bash line (ahem, no).

Is it possible - it ought to be, right?

I’m not quite sure which “bash line” you are referring to, could you please add some more details on that? And by “background”, do you just mean that the process is put into background (i.e. the calling script/whatever is able to go on without waiting for the started process to finish), or something more on the UI side, like starting the app minimised or something?

(happy to help whenever I can, like I’ve received help from the OSS community over the years)

Thank you, fair questions. The script I tried was:

#!/bin/sh -

invoker -n --single-instance --type=silica-qt5 /usr/bin/harbour-tint-overlay &

in the hope that the trailing ‘&’ might start the app tiled instead of launching as normal (but it acted the same with or without ‘&’).

Ideally, yes I was imagining activating outside of the UI, i.e. go directly to running without the UI as it does(/some other apps do) after the tile is closed?

Thank you for your patience.

There is a misconception here what ‘background’ means.

The ampersand sends jobs to the background of the executing shell only. It has nothing whatsoever to do with how the GUI behaves. Not on SFOS, not in wayland, not on X11.

It’s simply a job control feature of bash.

Thanks @nephros. Yes, definitely I wasn’t clear on the application, but got as far as I could without the proper training!

If not a way to alter how the application initially opens (into GUI foreground), I’m imagining - perhaps - a line or two of code added after the ‘invoke’ line which might effect what the user does manually (closing the tile).

If it doesn’t seem like something many people would want to achieve, or if they did they would already know how, that’s fair. It’s not a big deal I guess, just thought it would be nice. :man_shrugging:

I didn’t find immediately any reference, but as far as I remember, the last app started is on top, and that there wouldn’t be any means to start an app minimised.