Any chance of a Jolla C2 Plus / C3 as Reeder S71 Rebadge?

Less app closing / reloading for OOMs. X10III is pretty good UX already with 6GB, but if it’s eventually cheap enough, why not max your experience.


Well, I’m still running my two top most PC’s on 8 GB of RAM, and I can guarantee,that I have never even came close to using those 8GB. The only way to use it is by running one or more virtual machines, and dedicate lots of RAM to them.

To know, I have this desktop add, that tells me in real-time what is happening.


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Meanwhile me with 64GB of RAM.

Not sure how you manage with 8GB, 32GB is the bare minimum to me nowadays :smiley:


Why are we mixing PC talk, though? My work laptop is running into swap with 32 GB RAM because IDE, Docker, multipe Node apps, databases, LSPs running… Different workloads.

(Looking into Framework for the next one.)

Phone Browser will continue to be a RAM hungry beast.

Like I said, maxing out my UX is a goal. Doesn’t have to be rational to the penny.


If it wasn’t for Mind2, I would argue that the extra RAM in a phone would be useful for AI operations / onboard assistant features assuming there is an NPU in the SoC (of a fictional C3).

Memory wouldn’t really be my focus though. Nicer screen and much nicer cameras would be good. The C2 cameras are adequate for the C2’s pricepoint. You just need perfect lighting conditions to it to take good photos in my experience.

Because your phone actually is a computer?


Yes, you are right. AI would make larger RAM defensible

So how do you use these 64GB? I’m pretty sure I couldn’t max it out even if I configured no swap file.
I actually have done that, several times on both Linux and Windows. And yea, my RAM usage vent up a couple GB, and PC operations got a bit quicker, but no way I could max out my RAM. Probably because I had big enough RAM sticks.

I think better camera hardware wouldn’t change all that much and would only end up being a disappointment, because better camera software (the ‘Camera2’ API) is what’s really needed (Jolla’s aware of and working on it, of course). The same hardware can take beautiful pictures on Android, but on Sailfish the same picture will be washed out, out of focus, bad contrast, and the picture is almost never truly sharp because the shutter speed is too damn slow in all conditions, even in broad daylight in summer. Taking the Xperia 10 II as an example, I took a bunch of pictures on it as an Android phone, and even the best pictures I’ve taken with Sailfish installed are no match for the worst pictures taken with Android installed. I’m sure the Reeder S19 Max Pro S takes much nicer pictures on Android, too, even if the cameras aren’t top of the line.


Similar to @lkraav, several instances of IDEs (CLion, Qt Creator, VS Code), podman (containers), node instances, LSPs, compilers (stares at Dart VM), tons of tabs in Firefox, all these damn Electron apps, etc. I used to capitalize on the memory much more when I was larger software compiles such as LibreOffice and Firefox, but fortunately don’t have to do that anymore. Nowadays the thing that takes up the most is when I’m running ollama with llama3.2 or gemma2.

This post is not appropriate. I’d suggest you edit it.


If it’s not reapairable, if it’s all glued together if I can’t open it and replace the battery myself, if I can’t get nice covers…

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Then it wouldn’t be any different to the C2 or most modern phones. There is always the Fairphone 5, maybe we’ll have a usable public community port one of these days :slight_smile: What would be required for a port to Fairphone 5?

If adaptation of new hardware for c3 would take as long as it is true for sony, the s71 would be outdated by then.

Stop Dreaming people :stuck_out_tongue:

(But for sure it would be nice to have c3 anytime soon)

This is the interiour of the Vollaphone 22 that I got as a second device. . It has a jack and a card slot. Fairphone doesn’t have that anymore which means you have to buy bluetooth in- ears with a battery.


Not really a problem to me, but I can understand that some may have the requirement of a headphone jack for their mobile device. Personally I have three different pairs of Bluetooth audio devices (Airpods Pro 2, Nothing Ear 2, and my Fairbuds XL), though the wife uses the Airpods Pros nowadays.

Dont you think the Jolla team has got enough trouble with the C2?

Did you not bother to read my post?

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indeed, yes, i did !!

tbh I cannot understand why C2 was chosen in the first place, large part of that trouble is the C2 poor specs.