Android_storage permissions

With the following It seems I can now work normally:

  • see Android images in the SFOS gallery (after tracker db reset in SFOS utilities)
  • access the common folders such as Android Downloads from SFOS file manager
[defaultuser@Xperia10III android_storage]$ sudo chgrp -R appsupport-media_rw Download/ Audiobooks/ DCIM/ Music/ Pictures/ Movies/ Podcasts/
[defaultuser@Xperia10III android_storage]$ sudo find  Download/ Audiobooks/ DCIM/ Music/ Pictures/ Movies/ Podcasts/ -type d -print0 | xargs -0r sudo chmod g+x
[defaultuser@Xperia10III android_storage]$ sudo chmod g+rw -R  Download/ Audiobooks/ DCIM/ Music/ Pictures/ Movies/ Podcasts/

This commands fixed the problem, thanks!


Great! Solution works for me as well. Thank you!

Also I used SFOS terminal locally. Thus I had to change to devel-su instead of sudo (setting developer options in SFOS settings first)


chgrp -R appsupport-media_rw Documents/ Download/ Audiobooks/ DCIM/ Music/ Pictures/ Movies/ Podcasts/
find  Documents/ Download/ Audiobooks/ DCIM/ Music/ Pictures/ Movies/ Podcasts/ -type d -print0 | xargs -0r chmod g+x 
chmod g+rw -R Documents/ Download/ Audiobooks/ DCIM/ Music/ Pictures/ Movies/ Podcasts/



Having the same problem, tried the same commands but seems that no folder is found

Any suggestion?is getting quite irritating…

Did you walk to Android storage first?

You have to change to the right directory first using cd android_storage.

Look at the prefix of the terminal…

cheers :smiley:

Done it, but still gallery can’t access photos and so on,

Wonder if there something more systemwide, cause i can’t set permissions for every android folder…

What if i do the same but for android_storage rather than individual folders?

Don’t know if this will work :confused:

I’d rather check permissions first ls -la in /android_storage. In my system it’s:

[defaultuser@Xperia10III android_storage]$ ls -la
total 68
drwxrwx---   16 501023   appsuppo      4096 Aug  3 07:25 .
drwxr-x---   18 defaultu defaultu      4096 Aug 16 16:10 ..
drwx------    4 510036   510036        4096 Jul 28 14:28 .aptoide
drwx------    4 510036   510036        4096 Aug  3 07:25 .here-maps
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             7 Jul 26 23:27 .privilege_migration_done
drwx------    2 510036   510036        4096 Jul 26 23:28 Alarms
drwxrws--x    5 501023   appsuppo      4096 Jul 26 23:28 Android
drwxrwx---    2 510036   appsuppo      4096 Jul 26 23:28 Audiobooks
drwxrwx---    2 defaultu appsuppo      4096 Jul 27 20:48 DCIM
drwxrwx---    3 defaultu appsuppo      4096 Jul 28 18:48 Documents
drwxrwx---    3 defaultu appsuppo      4096 Aug 10 14:50 Download
drwxrwx---    3 510036   appsuppo      4096 Jul 26 23:28 Movies
drwxrwx---    3 510036   appsuppo      4096 Jul 26 23:28 Music
drwx------    2 510036   510036        4096 Jul 26 23:28 Notifications
drwxrwx---    3 defaultu appsuppo      4096 Aug  3 11:44 Pictures
drwxrwx---    2 510036   appsuppo      4096 Jul 26 23:28 Podcasts
drwx------    2 510036   510036        4096 Jul 26 23:28 Ringtones
[defaultuser@Xperia10III android_storage]$

Adjusting permission should be possible with devel-su…

Good luck!

Ok, these are mine, what about, changing permissions but for the android folder directly?

Edit: tried and didn’t change a thing, i hope someone more experienced will suggest me a better solution

Or that anyway jolla solves the situation

I also created a zendesk ticket about this as i feel jolla should take care of such a basic thing (manage memory on appsupport)

Puhh… It’s the end of my understanding.

Permissions look fine for me. Last thing I could think of is a reboot. SFOS seems to need them from time to time… :smiley:

But you can give it a try with android_storage folder…

tried just now with the android folder (it’s the edit i was talking about) but it didn’t help

i also removed appsupport in the brutal way suggested by jolla docs and got no results at all

changing permissions from folder to folder seems to work but should be done for all subfolders too and it’s damn tedious

eg. i didn’t have access to DCIM, now i have it but not for it’s camera subfolder

and i rebbot my phone everynight, so no it’s not the reboot

thank you for you help anyway :slight_smile: i hope i will be able to solve this very irritating issue…

Thank you for reporting. Culprit found.


Does this imply that there is a solution to it? If so, what do we need to do?

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To me it does imply it will be fixed in next update

a) Wait for the update, or
b) Try the following:

cd /home/defaultuser/android_storage
ls -al

If the file .storage_migration_done is missing then what follows should help to eliminate the problem and correct access rights. Run the following command in android_storage:

devel-su touch -d '2022-01-01' .storage_migration_done

Then, using the Settings app:

  • stop Android AppSupport
  • start Android AppSupport

This should be it.
In folder /home/defaultuser/android_storage , the flag file .storage_migration_done should exist now and have the current date. The subfolders should have access rights similar to those of DCIM below (except for the Android folder).

-rw-rwxr--    1 root     root             0 Sep 11 10:33 .storage_migration_done
drwxrwx---    3 510036   510036        4096 Aug 19 17:45 DCIM

Soo nice, you made my day!!!

Many thanks

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That finally fixed my issue and stopped from needing a script which did a recursive chmod 666 / 777, great! Thank you so much

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Wow, thank you so much

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Thank you so much @jovirkku ! It worked at the first try! (had the same problem after fresh installing on 2 devices)

Good that it helped you out. But I am just the messenger. It was @direc85 who investigated the issue and developed the solution.