[][AppSupport] Whatsapp "window" gets closed when hitting back sometimes

HARDWARE: Xperia 10II Dual SIM


When hitting the “back” button (next to the contact/group icon) to get from a chat to the Chats screen whatsapp will sometimes quickly blank the screen and then close the app.

I suspect this may be related to the new full screen notifications of incoming video/audio calls which is great btw!

I also saw once that when I started a video call while the dialing screen was active it was the size of an app cover in the middle of my screen instead of fullscreen but that has not happened to me again.




  1. Go into a chat or other subwindow of Whatsapp
  2. Hit back

This does not happen every time so it is probably harder to reliably reproduce.


Go back to the main screen.


Sometimes - app is closed.


I have the same Problems with XA2…

I noticed same thing with Signal android app (I dont have WA so cant say about it)
I thought that it was a new feature and not a bug :smiley: as I only get this when app opened from notifications.

  • Signal not open (only background process obviously running)
  • clicking a new message notification brings up the app with the message
  • closes down when clicked “back” button

So effectively just showing me the message I wanted to see.
Actually quite ok for me if it was meant to work like that. But it might not be meant like that of course…

(Xperia 10 III, SF, Signal v7.6.2)

Ditto, also on Xperia 10 II. Also my Android browser does that occasionally.

Though, it’s not too different from the previous situation where the Whatsapp app would occasionally go grey when minimized and then start again when you maximize it, like the app would have shut down but the minimized app window didn’t close properly. It’s a bit like the window handling would have come become better with SF 4.6.

Is this some sort of out of memory business?

Attached is a screenshot of a outgoing video call that started in app cover size, as mentioned in the first post.


Thank you. We have an internal bug report about this now. There are different ways to make problems related to the WhatsApp back button happen.


Encountered this only once as well (xa2), shortly after upgrading to 4.6. Looks more like an app stuck in ‘task view’ in android

4.6: Yep I see this keyhole thing consistently in Slack media viewer now.

Same with Signal on XA2 Ultra.

Still happens in .12

Always here in…

Seems resolved for me in .13

Edit: false impression. Seemed better, now I am back to normal… Window closes when hitting back nearly every time

Not on my XA2 in : Signal, Whatsapp systematically close when I click on the “return” arrow (top left) after joining the app from an annotation and Instagram close every time I switch accounts.

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After update Signal to 7.8.1, bug is always here…

A (poor) workaround is to activate background execution for Whatsapp, Instagram and Signal.
After activation, Whatsapp restart automatically after closing, but for Instagram and Signal, the apps are restarted in background (only for notifications).

Same here with Threema, Signal and other Android apps with the back button. It gets closed unconsistantly. And the androidapp gets closed completely and disappears vom homescreen. You can only go back with other “back-options” arrow on the upper side of the display and hope it is not going to close the app completely. on Xperia 10 II

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