Ah, no i have not seen or read that before, it looks good and i assumed it must have been from something.
Everything repeats itself.
Ah, no i have not seen or read that before, it looks good and i assumed it must have been from something.
Everything repeats itself.
Given how much he’s written, it’s probably in Thomas Pynchon. Maybe in Gravity’s Rainbow.
Well all of those statements are true. There is indeed no Ukrainian state until they got out of the USSR.
Sooo … what is your argument exactly?
Ukrainians are ethnicity which lives west of the Dnjepr river, but they were ruled by Poles, Austro-Hungarians or Russians. They just have proven that they are not able to have a state - they just destroyed the one they inherited from the USSR instead developing it.
My argument is that there was a contract from 1991 and the present day Ukraine broke this contract. I won’t go into detail for this one. I just say they were given a chance to live in peace, but they sold their souls to MI6 and the CIA (the dark side of those organizations like the F__K the EU V. Nuland). There was one “orange revolution” from 2004 and later the one from 2014. They brain washed a whole generation or two. The rest is history. They turned into a corrupt NAZI state and were willing to make war and not peace. Russia had to start the SMO, to protect the Russian people in the east and protect itself from expanding NATO. Although NATO promised it will not expand in 1991 they also broke the promise. Sooo … how can you be so dumb to f**k around with Russia. I simply can not understand it. It is hilarious. But you know you FAFO.
Is it so hard to understand what is going on?!?!?!
In fact I have been living this history since day 1 and I know very well what happened in eastern Europe after 1990 and there is no excuse for the West. In fact the only mistake Putin made was that he trusted the West in 2015 and agreed to Minsk I and II. He should have finished the job back then and we wouldn’t have had D&I, dumbification of a generations of young people, rise of China and so many dead now. We just lost 10y of our lives, billions of Euros, Dollars, investments in the future, education and who knows what else. We let Europe be destroyed by lunatics like Nuland, Biden, Blinken etc. It could be that even Jolla would have benefited if it was finished 2015.
But I am sure you will never understand what I mean. I am really tired right now to write in detail.
What you think is argument in fact is just a lie, lie and a bigger lie. A product of the brain washing machine.
I hope Trump ends it and in Europe comes someone to clean up as well, because it is unbearable to listen to the BS. It is also sad to listen to brainroth people, who know nothing from history and belive Politco, BBC, CNN or whatever propaganda, which is worse than the one we had in communism.
well - this is very well said - in fact very wise.
I am p*ssed and I admit I am trolling, because I am fed up by people who anonymously flag posts without explaining why - ie. cancel culture in it’s extreme.
I hope you understand.
From your lovely Wikipedia: Ukrainization - Wikipedia . If you want to learn more, read about Novorossiya, and what happens since 2010 in that region. If you want something not to exist, it doesn’t mean it does not exist. But please come back, and tell us your opinion.
Wonder how long it takes before some liberal madafaka flags JD Vance
I think Putin is the same criminal (dictator, ruler) as Baschar al-Assad and missiles Kim…
In the USA, it’s not much better with the Orange Män and Tesla Män… Only the rich govern now…
Kleptocracy - Wikipedia In some sense it also resembles the corporate oligarchy imagined in Snowcrash. Cyberpunk is seeming more prescient day, by day.
Are any governments (past and present) which are not a that? Some might argue that current US administration is a plutocracy.
I’d probably agree with this assessment. The wealthy being in charge is nothing new. But today, we are seeing big busines owners openly influencing policy for financial gain. This differs from merely the rich being in charge, they are openly looking to profiteer from it.
I gave you a heart, but is is more like a “oh, shit”
Cyberpunk 2077 is a fun game, but living there …
“Cyberpunk Was A Warning, Not An Aspiration,” Clarifies Cyberpunk Creator
It’s openly visible only to those who care to look.
Most people - a plurality in many countries - don’t care to look. Their social media feeds are the only thing that counts.
Is it the same JD Vance who never recognized the 2020 elections? It’s hilarious he says that european democracies are fragile because they can be influenced by external actors, but that’s exactly what happened in the US.
Also talking about misinformation, he once said that he makes up stories just to draw media attention.
Ukrainization of Ukraine? So what? Every single country in the world went through this process to strengthen their national identity, why Ukrainians can’t do it? It’s a rhetorical question I know, it’s because Russia wants them to have russian national identity.
You are so focused on rejecting the western propaganda (which is bad btw and you should continue to reject it) that you don’t even notice you are just parroting russian propaganda instead.
There’s no point in continuing the discussion if you don’t distance yourself from the imperialistic minded crap that you just wrote in your post.
Also stop using the word “nazi” improperly please.
HaHaHa! Man, your logic is … incredible
Ukrainization of Ukraine != Ukrainization of Russia
It’s trivial logic, not so incredible.
First, have you read about Novorossiya? Second: you do not seems to adhere to the core european values where minorities are protected, even though they are majorities in those territories.United in diversity ring a bell for you? Third: What is Ukraine? What are it’s borders and who define them? If every country in the world persecuted minorities, does it make it good? Is a core value for which you stand for? I certainly not. Anyway…it is bad for a country to invade another country indifferent of it’s reasons and I condemn that, but let’s not take sides, let’s try to be objective. There is no war where only one country is involved. Ukraine had a lot of chances to make peace, but they refuse, they are part of this war. They could have made peace in Istanbul and kept it’s territories (without Crimea), but they refused.
First of all I am not focused on anything. Second of all in this case there is no RU propaganda. I know many people (for example) from Mariopul who witness first hand what the NAZIs (AZOV) did there.
Third: I already said there is no point to discuss, because you have no idea, but you insisted.
Fourth: I do not know what you mean by “imperialistic minded crap” - if this is a new name for truth, I do not have to distance myself. But it seems to me you are victim of the SBU-MI6 and Biden CIA and NAZI propaganda, for what I feel really sorry for you. You are not the only one, but when the truth comes out what the NAZIs did in the east of UA, you will probably open your eyes, see the truth and the truth will set you free. Anyway you may choose to live in the darkness. It is your choice. I am not your mother to teach you.
In fact you wanted to have a discussion and arguments (in public) etc. and now you give up. I really do not mind. I already said what I had to say. I hope you learned something. I did not learn anything new. For me you are a poor woke person who is victim of a propaganda of worst kind that cost us billions and years of development and cost UA millions of lives. I hope all responsible for this (like Nuland, Blinken, Biden, Selensky) burn in hell forever.
Fifth: Why do you think I am using the word NAZI in a wrong way. In fact I may agree here with you, but it is shorter to write than NEO-NAZI. Because the guys there (AZOV, Praviy Sector etc.) share the same ideology and do the same horrible crimes as the NAZIs did.
Words have meaning - if you are not comfortable with the meaning, it is your problem, but you can not forbid me to put forward this meaning.
I search and I find for example
for the illiterate around it translates to
“Тrial of the atrocities of the Nazi invaders on the territory of the city of Kharkov and the Kharkov region during their temporary occupation”
Oh and BTW I am not Russian. I was even not raised to love Russia, but since 2013 I am very interested in the Collective West and Russian relations and I have friends in RU/UA/BY/BG/RO also many friends in US/DE/AT/CH/IT/ES/PT.