Problem with latest SDK (LocalStorage: can't create path)


i just updated to the lastest version of the SDK, because the VirutalBox image did not work properly anymore (happens from time to time after Ubuntu updates).

However, my application does not work anymore with Virutalbox Image, because of some LocalStorage errors. When i run my application, i get the following error :

[W] unknown:0 - LocalStorage: can’t create path - “//.local/share/de.andreas-wuest-it-consulting/harbour-watchlist/QML/OfflineStorage/Databases”
[W] unknown:0 - QSqlDatabasePrivate::database: unable to open database: “out of memory Error opening database”

Any ideas how i can fix that problem? What is wrong with the path and what may be broken (in my setup)?

Looks like i doesn’t have a home dir, and tries to access the filesystem root (//.local/...).

Any ideas how to fix the problem or to workaround? Any ideas how to debug the problem?

Some more infos: happens with SDK - i removed all the project files and started from scratch - The problem remains.

Any ideas how it is possible that the home dir seems to be broken???
As long as this is broken, i cannot continue working on my watchlist app ;-(