Help with Chum in xz2c


I will like to know better how to install chum in Xperia xz2c.
Btw, is it working in this device?

i just download the gui, but i cant see the packages


Ok. After installing the GUI , seems that takes some time until the package pops up.

Thanks @delocoyo for opening this thread! I have the same problem on a Xperia 10. In the moment I have no idea how to make it running in a ‘shop like’ app.

But, for interim i could download and manually install the .rpm files from:
(this is the armv7 build for the Xperia 10, needed this in my case)

or look here:
(long software list with 154 entries, more choices and clicks necessary)

Thanks very very much to the dev’s for all this!!!

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have you tried with this one?

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No I did not…

did now download the two .rpm’s and will try…

Thanks very much!!

You have to install sailfishos-chum to enable repositories. To use GUI (mainly POC at this moment), install sailfishos-chum-gui as well.

You can use Chum through zypper command line tool. This has to be done as root. Just search online on how to use it.

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what to write in the terminal to install sailfishos-chum?

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you download RPM and install it from After that, follow


Damm I feel so blank. RPM of chum download, but now how to see the app in the software. I download the zip of the GUI, but is just a zip that I dosnt know what to do with it. I extract it and thats it?

Now I have understand that we have to download the 2 rpm and installed the 2 of them. I thought it was just one of them. first install noarch and then arch64

Just now I downloaded both, and answered the questions OS:, and architecture: armv7hl for my Xperia 10.

Is this correct or is aarch64 the better version for my phone ?

Then I installed sailfishos-chum first, using File Browser, and next sailfishos-chum-gui. The Chum icon now appears on app grid and app starts and I can choose and install apps !

But in harbour-advanced-camera the camera selector does only work very buggy.

Did I choose the wrong architecture ?

No, armv7 is correct for all phones except Xperia10-II.
Also, you can’t install packages for the wrong architecture.

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Now Chum is installed and working fine !
Thank you so much!