Gd morning ppl.
I have spent the last couple of days trying to end up with a flawlessly working Sailfish OS on my Xperia 10 iii.
Long story short, I have performed the whole flashing procedure (flashing Android 11 from EMMA, flashing SFOS 4.6 and updating to 5.0) 2-3 times.
The result was never the same.
-First attempt resulted in issues with audio when using the GPS.
-Second attempt resulted in issues with Mobile Data not always activating (restart required in order to fix this)
-Third attempt (using it as we speak) resulted in issues with phone calls. When receiving a phone call, my phone rings with huge delay, or sometimes does not ring at all, while audio seems to be OK. Trying to make a call also delays sometimes, and the ring from my speaker is muted (sound comes OK when the other side accepts the call)
In all above cases, battery drain while idle was NOT the same.
What is the main cause of this change in behavior, since the flashing procedure is always exactly the same? Is there anything I can to do get the best possible result?
Thank you in advance!