[] OSM Scout Server not launching

After upgrading to SFOS on an XA2 it seems like OSM Scout Server no longer starts.

When I lauch it, I see this:

Initializing and waiting for connection with the server

Then, there’s the spinner spinning endlessly.

Error starting server
Used path: /usr/bin/harbour-osmscout-server

Now, when I launch /usr/bin/harbour-osmscout-server-gui from the command line, OSM Scout Server works like a charm.

So, I’m assuming there must be an issue with the permissions somehow.

By the way, I installed OSM Scout Server through OpenRepos as the version in the Jolla Store required a “route” addon which was not available.

Any help to fix this would be appreciated!

On my XA2 under, when I launch harbour-osmscout-server-gui form the command line, I get the message:

QConnmanTechnologyInterface::scanReply() “No carrier”

and indeed I can’t download any map.

Is the first issue due to sandboxing?

I think adding this to the .desktop launcher file will get it working again:


That helped! Thank you so much!!!

It seems like modrana.org is down at the moment. Same problem here.